Title Animation Video
A title animation also called as intro or an opening sequence is the method used in films, television programs or other videos to show their title, key production and cast members using conceptual visuals and sound. It may consist of live actions, logo animation, text animations, effects etc.
Components for the Title Animation:
The first thing to consider while doing title animation is the background selection. You can choose either a mono-color background or with some visual effects so that it will be appealing to your viewers.
Fond Selection
Selection of the fond or text is another thing we have to consider for title animation if your title has any text in it.
You must be clear about the type of animation you needed for your title animation. Usually it will be a limited or a simple animation or a logo animation.
Music and Sounds
The choice of the suitable sound and music for the video is also crucial. Sometimes the music and sound effects used can become an identity for your business.