Cut Out Animation

Cut Out Animation

Cut out Animation is a type of stop-motion animation in which flat characters, props and backgrounds are cut from cardboard, paper of clothes or photos are used. It is considered to be one of the oldest forms of animation and can be seen in different forms. Here animators divide each character into smaller pieces and then recreate it into a single cut-out character and their movement is captured using a film camera. These captured images are then used to create an illusion of movement.

With Computer cut-outs we can go back and forth on the timeline and can work on the key frames using “pose to pose” method. Nowadays animators are using computers to create animation in cut-out style where cut-out shapes are drawn digitally and giving 3D illusion with lot of detailing. Here in Prayan we use digital methods to make quality cut-out animation for different explainer videos or other business purposes.

With the advancement of technology, modern animators can use their computers to create the cutout animation. Here they can replace the traditional kind of cutout characters with digitized and scanned images. The cut-out animation is a widely used technique as it helps to reduce production time and the file size required is less compared to full cel animation. The best example for cut-out animation is the Comedy Central animated series “South Park”. Initially it was done using paper cut-outs, but later they started creating it digitally without losing its original quality and texture. With the well experienced and professional team of Prayan you can create Cut Out video according to your need within a limited period of time.


Cut out Animation is considered to the oldest form of animation. We can see different style of cut out animation being used from a long period for storytelling.

  • The main advantage of cutout animation is that it can be created by a single animator.
  • Here animator can create the whole movements from a single drawing which is cut into pieces.
  • The cutout animation can saves production time and the file size required is very small.

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