Transform your ideas into videos with storyboards best video animation company in India

Transform your ideas into videos with storyboards

Explainer videos and video content is the top way to reach an audience – no matter what your business goals may be. In fact, 95% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or business. Not only are they informative and engaging, but they’re just plain fun to watch. Working with the best animation video company in India ensures your videos are top-notch, but if you’d like to do a little research on your own, here are a few tips from the best video animation company.

explainer showreel 2021

The first step to creating a successful video is the storyboard. This is where you map up your initial idea into a piece of art that can be recreated into video form without hiccups.  Whether you’re selling a product, teaching a concept, or covering a specific topic, explainer videos are typically short 1 or 2-minute videos that require a lot of information to be condensed into an easy-to-follow format. This is why storyboards are so critical.


Here’s how to transform your ideas into a storyboard:

  • First, know where your video is going to be watched. Are you planning on using it on social media, your website, or sharing it with your team? Knowing who your audience is and where they’re going to find you will help you immensely in hashing out how to build your story.

  • Know how long your video is going to be so that you are aware of just how much of your idea you can fit into your video. This will help you break it down once you’ve created your outline.

  • Now create that outline. On a piece of paper or in a document, put a beginning, middle, and end and give each section a set amount of seconds allotted to it. This will let you then expand those seconds further once you’ve begun building your storyboard.

  • Write your video script with simple, engaging, and BIG words. You can make your content memorable by choosing words that make the biggest impact in a short amount of time. You also need to get to the point as soon as possible.

  • Read your script out loud and time yourself. Continue to fix parts of the script that sound confusing, don’t fit well, or wreck the flow of your voice. Once you’ve fit the script into your allowed time, you can start building.

  • Once you begin building your storyboard, be sure to match the right imagery for the strong words you’ve chosen. Plan your shorts, transitions, and everything you need to make the best impact. You can choose how your video will play out – will it use real visuals or animations? Will you use charts or infographics? Who will be speaking in each part of the video? Break your images down into frames of the video itself – as many as you need to fill your time and reach your goal. If you need help, a video animation company in India can guide you through the basics. 

animation showreel 2021

Want to work with the best video animation company in India that can create and master the best storyboards to reach your goals and make an impact on your audience? Working with talented videographers and storytellers who know how to capture an audience is a key to success, Speak with an experienced team member today to learn more about how we can make that happen.

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