Top 10 YouTube Video Marketing Statistics You Need for 2021 explainer video makers company in india

Top 10 YouTube Video Marketing Statistics You Need for 2021

The YouTube phenomenon might have become the foundation of how we see marketing and content creation in 2021. There is a reason why the platform has over 2 billion active users who literally spend hours watching videos, commenting, and taking part in content creation overall.

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Moreover, from a purely-entertaining platform, YouTube has managed to grow into one of the most influential platforms for such fields as economy, policy, social development, and even source of objective information. Eventually, more and more countries report that their citizens prefer YouTube as a reliable source of information to traditional TV newsfeed, Radio, Newspapers, and other mass media.

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Add to this the fact that video content has already become the most efficient type of promotional and informational content, and a successful YouTube presence becomes a key function for any marketing campaign in 2021. And of course, success in such a vivid platform is impossible without a thorough analysis and follow-up of statistics.

In this article, we have collected the 10 most credible YouTube video marketing metrics that will hel[p you and your content get on the top of the video marketing game in 2021.

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#1 – Billions of people are watching YouTube every day!

Not only watching but creating YouTube videos also. Only several years ago, the platform was mostly about adorable kittens, and epic sports fails. Today you can:

  • Follow up the news;
  • Discover new artists;
  • Learn;
  • Explore the world;
  • Follow up celebrities at a real-time pace, etc.

It means that your audience is definitely out there on the platform, and the presence of your brand on YouTube can become the decisive factor for its recognition lever. In other words, most consumers today learn about new brands and products from YouTube. They hardly watch TV, buy paper magazines or pay attention to street billboards. But all of them definitely open up a YouTube app drinking their morning coffee or traveling between home and work.

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The best way to get discovered and come in touch with those prosperous consumers is to create several playlists with different thematic and then carefully follow who and how they react to your content.

#2 – Activity level is the key

If only several years ago people were just watching the videos and sharing them with each other from time to time, today’s younger viewers are active creators and participants. They are willing to click on new links, discover new channels, follow and support them.


It is important to pay attention to this factor and use it for your benefit. Encourage viewers to communicate, leave feedback and participate. It is always best to ask the auditorium questions, encourage them to comment, and provide them with links that will help them follow your lead and grow from viewers to active customers quicker.

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#3 – YouTube is mostly mobile

Today more than 70% of active YouTube viewers watch videos through their mobile devices. Just like with any kind of content, from websites to social media, adaptation for a mobile view becomes the key to success.

When we talk about YouTube marketing content, there are several things you want to consider :

  • Most people will watch the video on the go, and without sound, therefore visual expression remains primary;
  • YouTube allows you to integrate animated and text content into the video; however, it is important to understand that a viewer came on the platform to watch, not to read;
  • Thumbnail images are mainly the decisive factor that will determine whether viewers will click on your video at all.

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With the growing competition, it is crucial to draw viewer’s attention and consider their interest. Your title, as well as a thumbnail image, should be appealing yet not misleading; the expressive methods have to remain clear yet hold the viewer’s attention to the very end of the clip.

#4 – People come to YouTube to learn and get informed

Though entertainment was the original idea of the platform, today, it is widely considered to be one of the most vivid educational and informational portals.

How-to videos made in an entertaining and engaging format are most popular among viewers of all ages and social groups. They are also a great method to promote and raise awareness about the brand. Provide videos that show how your product, service, or expertise help the audience solve or avoid their problems, engage viewers with useful yet entertaining content. It will instantly raise the channels, aka the product’s, value for prosperous customers.

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#5 – YouTube premium ad is the future of online advertising

Today’s YouTube premium ad’s efficiency level is pretty stunning. Overall it reports the boost up of brands` recognition and revenue for more than 53%.

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Those numbers put YouTube advertising way above Google ads that have been considered the most efficient advertising tool that has ever existed.

The principle of YouTube premium ads is pretty straightforward as it helps both brands and content creators develop through placing advertising on relevant channels. In other words, it appears to be the first mutually stimulating advertising platform.

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#6 – YouTube is a way to get discovered

Statistically, almost 90% of today’s active consumers have either discovered new brands through YouTube or researched them on the platform.

It turns YouTube into one of the most credible sources of information for your consumer. At the same time, it means that not only the brand’s personal channel matters for raising awareness but its ability to get promoted through relevant fellow channels. Those may be influencers, experts in the field, or any kind of bloggers who already have an auditorium that is close or even similar to your target.

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#7 – YouTube videos become a decisive factor for consumers.

As we have already mentioned above, people more and more use YouTube as a means of research about brands and products. In many cases, those videos and reviews become the key decisive factors that either lead to an immediate purchase or vice versa prevent a customer from addressing the brand.

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While most brands considered high-budget commercial videos key to success only a couple of years ago, today1s practice shows that viewers are most responsive to microbloggers` reviews and life-like videos that look like sincere heart-to-heart advice rather than an obvious (though nicely-made) commercial.

#8 – YouTube viewers value personal connection

People tend to find real-life content most relatable and therefore credible. Although video quality and production have become more and more advanced due to high competition and viewers` demand, the character and atmosphere of those videos remain on the level of reality-show rather than a Hollywood production.

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The thing is that buying a product, today’s customers want to feel some level of personal connection with the brand. Real-life backstage videos and streams allow to build this connection and engage viewers into long-term relationships with the brand and its product.

#9 – The length of YouTube videos matters

While most video content marketers would tell you that people are not ready to commit to long videos, YouTube is a bit more complicated than that.

Since YouTube allowed the uploading of long videos, content creators got access to a powerful engagement tool for a particular audience. Today you may find channels with videos up to 10 minutes as well as those that offer 2-hours documentaries and streams. They all have the same level of engagement from their target auditorium.

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Therefore the principle “the shorter, the more efficient” does not work with YouTube video content marketing. It all depends on the auditorium, its habits, and interests that end up in the viewing behavior. Some are seeking short videos to watch in public transportation or at a lunch break, while others may wait and prepare for another 2-hour video from a particular channel like a movie premiere.

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#10 – YouTube has already replaced TV

At least for the marketing world. Statistically, ads shown on YouTube are almost 85% more efficient than TV advertising. Technically it is the fundamental reason why the marketing tables have turned so dramatically in the past few years, leaving TV production far behind. For the very same reason, you see more and more TV productions choosing to provide their content for the YouTube audience.

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Video content is on the top of the game today, and YouTube has always been and will remain its homeland. Presence on this platform does not only provide higher brand recognition but may become a decisive purchasing and reputational factor for your prosperous customers, investors, and business partners.

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