Reasons Why Visitors Leave Your Website & Never Come Back. Explainer Video Makers

Reasons Why Visitors Leave Your Website & Never Come Back.

When we create a website, one of the most important goals is to attract a good number of visitors. In this sense, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing that people appreciate your work and that, in some way or another, they can identify with it.

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Nevertheless, reaching a point of great recognition among the public and having a large number of followers loyal to your content is increasingly difficult. For that reason, you may be wondering… Why does a visitor leave my website and never come back? And, here, we have some of the main reasons.

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The waiting network:

According to some studies, 47% of visitors expect the website to load in 2 seconds or less. In addition, 40% will simply leave the page if it is not fully operational after the first 3 seconds.

Website layout:

Another reason why the amount of traffic on your site can be reduced is its structure. The importance of web design not only lies in the appearance but also the functionality of its buttons and the way they are organized. In other words, if a website is easy to use and understand, it will be among the common user’s favorite options.


Specialists do not lie when they say that the content is the king. If your website does not generate good content, then it will not catch the attention of your target audience (of any kind of audience, actually). And, at this point, it is important to understand that the content is not just a lot of words written in the form of texts, articles or blog post. In fact, it has been proven that websites that include videos, infographics, and illustrations gain more popularity and increase their number of visitors more easily.

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In addition to the 3 factors mentioned above, there are other details such as blog activity and the inclusion of automatic playback. These elements are key to achieve the good transition of a first-time visitor to a follower of your brand. For that reason, you must create your website so that the people who bump into it can find the solution to what they are looking for; understanding that if a user comes into your webpage, it is because you have the possibility to offer some type of specific information necessary for him/her.

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