Motion Graphics Videos can connect your audience in world

Motion Graphics Videos: The Best Ones to Tell Stories Your Audience Can Connect With.

Videos revolutionized the world. There is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, but the value of moving images is millions of times more remarkable, especially when you can use them to tell a story to your audience.

The term motion graphics refers to a video or digital animation that creates the illusion of movement through images, photographs, titles, colors, and designs. Therefore, we could say that it is a moving graphic animation.

Its purposes can be quite varied. Motion graphics video can be used for corporate videos, audiovisual post-production, interactive presentations, project exhibitions, events, and DVD authoring. But one of the main functions that it promises is to allow brands or companies to tell incredible stories that their audience can connect with.

Maybe the story you want to tell is a bit long and complicated, but this is not a problem if you use motion graphics. These videos always manage to simplify the message and make the viewers understand everything perfectly. They can portray the most complete and intricate ideas in an attractive, straightforward way that is capable of capturing anyone’s attention.

Do you want to know more about them and take advantage of them for your brand or business? Here we show you some examples.

Best Mixed Media Motion Graphics Videos.

This category refers to videos that combine live-action images with animation. In some of them, for example, you will see an animated overlay that runs over live-action images, and in others, you will have animated videos with occasional use of pictures and videos. As a brand or company, you can try different techniques until you find the best one for you.

This type of motion graphics video has been around for a long time. However, it has gained a lot of popularity, and experts have recently seen widespread adoption in the industry. They are really powerful in attracting the public. Find here some examples.

Dear Internet from Medium

It is a video that focuses on the early age of the Internet. It’s packed with elements dating back to that era and tells a particular story. However, it does not have illustrations of these elements but shows them as they were.

The video’s central theme is the Internet since its inception, so there are countless references to that event from the past. And the creators did an excellent job bringing viewers back to those days. This motion graphics video was for Medium, and as you will see, they have a lot of animation. As mentioned, each company can choose its technique according to its needs or objectives, with different proportions of animations and live-action images.

Best videos of moving infographics.

One of the best ways to educate your audience in an entertaining way is through infographic videos. Companies love these videos and often see them as a great option, especially since they simply explain complex topics.

The infographic motion graphics videos are very easy to understand and generate a lot of participation as they are very attractive. Therefore, they develop a good return on investment. Brands or technology companies take great advantage of them to explain concepts, but they are not the only ones who use this type of video to communicate with their audience. Let’s review an example:

Everyone’s On Social from Hootsuite.

It is a very interesting and eye-catching video but with a fairly straightforward narrative. It aims to highlight the fact that today’s society lives in a digital age and that almost everyone is on some social media platform.

Once the video starts, you see a message that says: “everyone is on social media these days,” and you automatically feel hooked and want to see it. However, this is not the only attraction the production has. What the narrator says is not the only thing that grabs the audience’s attention, as the moving graphics that support the statements emphasize it.

In this sense, we can say that the interaction between the narrative and the graphic elements is what keeps the viewer hooked. Although there are many ways to make an infographic motion graphics video, this is an alternative full of shapes and abstract objects to tell compelling stories. In Everyone’s On Social, you see animals and humans, although the video does not revolve around them.

The character that characterizes this video is abstract in nature, making it an infographic video motion graphics in every sense. Also, it is precisely that abstract way of telling stories what attracts people and makes it easy to understand.

Best cartoon motion graphics videos.

Building a relationship with the audience on an emotional level is essential for brands and companies, especially if their goal is to generate conversions. Many people fight for their project to connect emotionally with the viewers, and that is something that cartoon motion graphics videos do without problems.

Through them, you can tell stories in the right way and create such connections with the audience. Besides, the use of animated characters makes these videos highly relatable. For example, if someone sees a character on the screen with the same problem as them, they will relate to him.

Later, when the company’s solutions help solve the character’s problem, the viewer will feel that they solved their problems as well. At that moment, the emotional connection that was mentioned is created. In this way, the viewer’s confidence grows and makes them more likely to make a purchase decision.

Security from Virgin media

It is an excellent example of a cartoon motion graphics video. While the video is playing, you see many characters that seem relatable. You may see some and relate them directly to you, a friend, or a member of your family.

Moreover, it creates a sense of urgency about the product in the viewers’ minds, who will want to purchase it almost immediately. If you analyze it, you will realize that it is an easy-to-understand video with a very clear message. Almost everyone knows the risks associated with not having a proper cybersecurity system, but very few do anything about it.

In this way, this video remembers the problems that everyone could face because of it and motivates them to take steps to protect themselves. So, since the company provides information, the viewers are more likely to buy their solution. Having people manage to relate to the characters in the video, and the emotional connections formed thanks to the cartoons also increase the chances of sales.

Best whiteboard motion graphics videos.

Many companies and brands that have been in the industry for some time know that they need a motion graphics video but don’t know what animation style to begin with. If this has happened to you, you can consider whiteboard motion graphics videos to get started. While this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, it is a simple recommendation to start.

It is common to come across these types of videos on the Internet, and the main reason is its great attractiveness. These videos can quickly grab people’s attention. Plus, they are easy to understand and follow. Whiteboard motion graphics have massive appeal and can make it easy to explain complicated concepts.

Most of the examples you can find on the web use simple illustrations. There will also be a voice over explaining the images to help you understand what they are about. Sounds like a simple trick to you? Well, it is, but it works perfectly. It is one of the safe bets for brands and companies.

Many people feel like they go back to college when they see them, precisely those moments when professors explained extended and intricate topics using blackboards and helped them understand everything they needed to know. Whiteboard motion graphics use a very similar but more attractive technique. Let’s look at an example.

APR from Ford Whiteboard.

Whiteboard videos often have static illustrations that the narrator explains. However, with this stunning video, Ford goes way beyond the standard. The automotive giant not only animates the pictures but also manages to tell a meaningful and valuable story with them.

In this way, you are in front of a video that creatively combines live-action and animation images. Some people will think that this will turn it into a mixed media video, and they will be right to an extent. But it is essential to understand a little of what is behind it.

The first whiteboard videos used to show people using real whiteboards. They then did the illustrations and explained using markers, sticking to the traditional way of making whiteboard videos. Therefore, it can be said that this video holds true to the conventional method of making whiteboard videos, at least in that aspect. However, it generates a more modern feeling thanks to the type of animation it uses.

Best 3D motion graphics videos.

Many brands and companies avoid using 3D animations because they have a small budget and consider them expensive. However, those who have tried them know that it has been an excellent decision and do not regret it. Actually, there are some companies whose only option is 3D videos.

In the case of medical equipment companies, for example, they should opt for 3D videos in order to show the complexities of how their product works. That added dimension helps to showcase better the performance of any product or tool they offer. But the best part is that these videos work regardless of whether the company can or can’t do without the technique.

3D videos stand out for the realistic images they offer. Also, as we live in a 3D world, these videos are meant to be relatable and significantly increase engagement. And they work for all kinds of products! Brands and companies can use them for both physical products and anything else they need to promote. Here is an example:

Email vs Slack from Slack.

When you watch this video, you feel that everything that appears is natural, including the environment, and this is due to the 3D animation. The added dimension emphasizes the spatial differences in the video, creating a feeling closer to what we experience in real life.

This technique makes the elements of the video more versatile. It can cause some to appear closer or farther from the camera, makes distances between objects prominent, and dramatically enhances everything seen. Besides, it is capable of changing the perspective of images.

More examples of great motion graphics videos.

Today, there is so much material that it is difficult to choose a small group for the best motion graphics videos. Brands, companies, and agencies are getting more and more creative, creating compelling, engaging, and high-quality video content. If you want to know more about this, you can review this extended list of some other options that are worth seeing. You will be able to learn a lot about all of them and be inspired to create the perfect motion graphic video for you.

When You Say You’re a Swimmer from Eli Guillou.

It is a video that may seem simple, but it is very well done. Once you play it, you find text overlays and basic shapes on plain backgrounds. But, in less than five seconds, you will be able to feel its significant impact. This video is a beautiful example of how sound effects and voice-overs can seamlessly complement motion graphics to create a powerful sensation that captures viewers’ attention. And it isn’t easy to get out of there. You are not going to lose concentration for any reason. You can watch this video to know that motion graphics videos don’t have to be complicated and that simple ideas can be powerful.

Google Cloud IoT Solutions from Google.

As mentioned, motion graphics videos can not only be used for physical products, and this Google video is one example of that. It addresses a rather complicated and highly intangible concept: the collection, distribution, and storage of data. How does it do so? Simple! It uses an almost perfect combination of traditional motion graphics and abstract shapes that make it a masterful creation. Google tends to do this in their videos, especially in the past, and there is a specific reason for this: they are simple, easy to understand, and fascinating.

One from Pearson English.

The world’s largest education company put motion graphics to impressive use with this video, which becomes an exceptional example of how motion graphics can create exciting and informative explainer videos. Once again, it is essential to highlight intangible concepts.

Many brands and companies believe that they cannot use videos of this type if they offer services or software without physical products, but the reality is entirely different. This video, for example, shows the processes, quite a difficult task for live-action images. You can watch this video to see how motion graphics remove those barriers and allow animators or agencies to put anything on the screen without resorting to intricate narratives. It is awesome!

Industry 4.0 from Deufol.

It is a video from a few years ago that describes the industrial revolution, a task that seems quite tricky until Deufol created this wonder. This video makes understanding the event very easy, and this is thanks to the motion graphics. Additionally, they use a strong voice-over to communicate better a topic that is quite comprehensive while gracefully presenting their solution. Plus, the motion graphics generate visual interest to keep viewers entertained. As a result, they have a video with a surprising theme, a captivating narrative, and some outstanding pictures.

MLS Playoff 2017 from ESPN.

At the beginning of the post, you can find information about one of the most frequently used types of motion graphics videos nowadays: that of mixed media. However, as explained, it is a technique that has been used for years. One such example is this video from ESPN, which combines live-action images and motion graphics to create a unique animation style.

ESPN used it to promote the 2017 Major League Soccer playoffs. You can look at it several times to see how detailed it is. The text graphics’ movements are perfectly done and sync seamlessly with each piece that makes up this video. It is a work of art capable of entertaining, capturing attention, and generating emotions, especially in soccer fans.

Motion graphics videos have revolutionized the industry in every way. They became one of the most powerful advertising, marketing, and video content creation tools. And that is no coincidence. Its characteristics and its effectiveness when it comes to explaining and promoting products and services are impressive, and they can help any brand or company to achieve success.

Motion graphics videos allow their creators to share experience, connect with the audience, and show what they have to offer in a fun, entertaining, and beautiful way.Here you can find some examples that can help you get inspired and motivated but remember that the final decision is yours. Let your creativity fly, hire a reliable agency, and create together a masterpiece that boosts your project like never before!

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