Camera Day explainer video makers

29th June: Camera Day

Everything comes into focus on June 29th each year when we recognize Camera Day. The day commemorates photographs, the camera, and their invention. A camera is an irreplaceable tool used to record and replicate memories, events, and people/places. Before the invention of the camera, the only resource to document a vision was a painting. Capturing an image of a person or place in a drawing took time and skill. Very few people can perfectly draw the likeness of someone, let alone capture the essence of an event.

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The power of a camera provided many with a simple, inexpensive, and fast solution. George Eastman, also known as “The Father of Photography,” brought the camera to the masses. While he did not invent the camera, he did develop many additions improving the use, ease, and production of the camera. His developments made the camera widely available to homes around the world.

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History of Camera

The camera eventually evolved into large and bulky devices that could able to capture images using silver salts. However, the first photographic camera developed for commercial manufacture was the daguerreotype camera that was invented by Alphonse Giroux in 1839. Camera Obscura was widely used between the 11th-17tth century before the invention of the photographic process, according to historians.

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In 1825, French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce invented print that required eight hours to light exposure to create an image. it was called the heliograph. Then in 1839, the Daguerreotype camera was invented by Louis Jacques Daguerre. It became the first commercially successful photographic process for creating a permanent image on a metal plate. Fast forward to 1900, and the first mass-marketed camera went on sale for the public.

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