Tell a Story Day explainer video production company

27th April: Tell a Story Day

Tell a Story Day on April 27th each year in the United States encourages people of all ages to share all kinds of stories. Whether it’s read from a book, one from your imagination, or an actual story from a childhood memory, the day supports gathering with friends and family to share those stories.


Storytelling is an ancient practice used to hand down knowledge from one generation to the next. It’s a wonderful way to pass on family traditions, histories, and long-told tales and can be entertaining as well as educational. Some of the very best stories come from real-life experiences.

The aim of the day is to encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to share stories. This could be reading one of your favorite books or creating your own story from your imagination; it doesn’t matter, so long as you share a story. You can gather friends or family together and all read stories. A lot of schools will embrace this day as well by getting students to contribute a story or they will read a book together as a class.

Many people enjoy listening to their grandparents share their stories about when they were growing up (back in the day). Spending time telling stories with family, friends, and loved ones is a time for all to learn from each other, to remember, and to grow closer together.

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