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22th July: Mango Day

Every year July 22 is dedicated to National Mango Day. Mangos were first cultivated in India 5000 years ago and travelled to Southeast Asia between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. In the 10th Century AD where cultivation began in East Africa. The paisley pattern developed in India is said to be based off of the shape of the mango. It is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, while also being the national tree of Bangladesh. Nearly half of the world population enjoy mangoes that are harvested in India. There are around 100 varieties of mangoes grown in India. Ripe and unripe mangoes consumed directly as well as cooked as dishes. Skin, seed, the sap of mangoes are also used to make Ayurveda medicines.

Celebrate National Mango Day by having those delicious mangoes. There are hundreds of varieties of mango, coming in different shapes, sizes, colours, textures and taste. So buy an unusual variety of mango and enjoy to your fullest. Mangoes can be eaten raw or can be used to make cakes, juices, smoothies, pickles, ice creams, and lot more. So why not try your hand at making one of the recipes using mangoes. Visit your local supermarket and buy few ripe mangoes to taste them raw.

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