World Rainforest Day explainer video makers

22nd June: World Rainforest Day

June 22 is World Rainforest Day. The day has been set aside to help protect rainforests by raising awareness and encouraging action to protect them.

World Rainforest Day 2021 Theme is “PROTECTED TOGETHER. NOW. FOREVER”

When is International Day for Biological Diversity?

Rainforests are vital for the survival of life on Earth. We depend on them for 20% of the oxygen we breathe and the freshwater we drink. They absorb our carbon dioxide, stabilize climate patterns, and are home to half the world’s plant and animal species. Yet every minute, we lose 40 football fields of rainforests, which threatens our biodiversity and imperils our planet’s health. Deforestation causes 15% of global carbon dioxide emissions that accelerate climate change.

When is World Environment Day?

World Rainforest Day celebrates this precious natural resource and encourages action to preserve it. Your efforts, together with the actions of others, will have a positive impact on rainforests and the climate worldwide.

When is World Wildlife Day?

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