20th July: International Chess Day
International Chess Day is a worldwide celebration for chess celebrated on July 20 every year, the day FIDE was founded in 1924. International Chess Day 2020 doesn’t just celebrate chess but also FIDE’s 96th birthday as an organization.
The day got a further stamp of approval on December 12, 2019, when the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 74/22 designating July 20 as World Chess Day.
Chess is one of the most ancient, intellectual and cultural games, with a combination of sport, scientific thinking and elements of art. As an affordable and inclusive activity, it can be exercised anywhere and played by all, across the barriers of language, age, gender, physical ability or social status.
The designation of World Chess Day of the UN will not only recognize the important role of the FIDE in supporting international cooperation for chess activity and aiming to improve friendly harmony among all peoples of the world, but also to provide an important platform to foster, dialogue, solidarity and culture of peace.