World Calligraphy Day Explainer Videos

14th August: World Calligraphy Day

Today 14th August is announced as World Calligraphy Day. Calligraphy is art in a written form. Today it is used in many design concepts for advertising and promoting, and it is easy to do because of the advanced technology we have today. However, calligraphy also has had a vast history that has impact many cultures all over the world. World Calligraphy Day commemorates this history and hopes that people can take on calligraphy as a passion in their lives.

World Calligraphy Day allows experts and beginners to come together to discuss, practice, and learn about the art of calligraphy. This holiday began through the Pen Museum and the Manuscript Pen Company; the Pen Museum is a museum dedicated to teaching the art of calligraphy and the Manuscript Pen Company being an art retailer specializing in calligraphy products. Each year, the Pen Museum brings in experts from different schools of art and lets visitors who attend the museum to learn how to begin calligraphy and the different styles of art that exist. World Calligraphy Day celebrates this art in its history and encourages others to participate and learn about this art form.

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