Plant a Flower Day explainer video makers company in india

12th Mar: Plant A Flower Day

Spring is just around the corner, and March 12th is the day to participate in Plant a Flower Day.  Each year this day is dedicated to the planting of flowers and looking forward to the spring season.  Flower gardening has become a hobby for many, young and old, and National Plant a Flower Day is a start to the new season each year.


Flowers have been around for at least 150 million years, with new and captivating species springing up all over the place during that time. And they have long been a staple in various cultures all around the world, serving numerous purposes over the millennia including decorative and medicinal ones.

As early as 2,500 BC, the Ancient Egyptians were using flowers to adorn tables and great halls, as well as show respect to both the living and the dead, with the remains of many kinds of flowers uncovered in the tombs of pharaohs, high priests, and other wealthy citizens. Later, both the Ancient Greeks and Romans continued to use flowers for these same purposes and also began to use some of them as herbs. This tradition continues today through herbal teas, medicines, and spices.

Flowers play a crucial role in sustaining ecosystems, producing food, and enriching human life and culture. By celebrating Plant a Flower Day you’ll be helping these bountiful blossoms to flourish.

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