11th Oct: International Day of the Girl Child
On October 11, the International Day of the Girl seeks to bring awareness and solutions to the unique challenges that girls around the world face every day.
From the moment a child is born, she can grow up to be a scientist, author, business leader, mother, teacher or anything she may choose to be. Providing her with healthy options, education, and resources to make her own choices means removing some of the obstacles she faces.
2019 Theme — GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable
Depending on where she lives, a young girl’s challenges will vary and how we approach addressing those issues will change. During International Day of the Girl, join the global call to action. Create real solutions; listen to the aspiration of young women; mentor someone who will someday overcome the challenges she faces.
Discrimination and violence against girls and violations of their human rights still happen. The UN felt a need to raise awareness of the challenges that millions of girls face every day. On December 2011, the UN declared the International Day of the Girl Child, starting from October 11, 2012.