10th July: Don’t Step On A Bee Day
The 10th of July unites the nation for National Don’t Step on a Bee Day! This year we’re calling for your help to protect our precious bees. The recent press surrounding the ‘Bee Crisis’ has been hard to ignore. Not only do our bees help provide the honey, propolis, and beeswax contained within many of your favourite products, they also help to keep us all fed and watered!
When is World Environment Day?
Is an important reminder that the fate of the common bee lies in the balance – with bee numbers in some countries having halved in the last decade with no apparent cause, it’s vital that we take care to maintain bee populations, pollination and honey production.
When is International Day for Biological Diversity?
This Don’t Step on a Bee Day, we urge you to help spread the message! We would love it if you could share the message with your audience on Facebook or Twitter and tag #DontStepOnABeeDay to help raise awareness!