How an Explainer Video is Different from a Branded Video?
Explainer videos and a branded video are two different things and they exist in different facets of the marketing world. These two falls into their own genres in accordance with what they want to communicate to the people and what strategy each employs to achieve the objectives set by the management. This though doesn’t mean that they can’t be used concurrently, in many instances each of them comes in at the different stages of marketing and the following descriptions will help you figure them out.
In many instances the explainer videos are used for explaining complicated product ideas unlike the branded videos which offer an insight into how the product functions. This means that in a startup, a company can use an explainer video to tell their customers of an upcoming new product while in the branded video, you will take them through step by step using the product to tell them how it works. This will make them have confidence in it and eventually make a choice.
In the explainer videos, they will try to increase your brand awareness. This is because their primary role is to evoke emotions and convince people of what your product/ can do to their lives and they have the potential to go viral as much as the sharing is concerned. But in the branded video it primarily concerns itself with showing your audience the practical applicability and act as a sales pitcher.
The branding video also is mainly used to show that really this product exists in the physical form or this is what our organization does day in day out to make the lives of the people better. It’s through the branded videos that a company/product builds its reputation but it’s in it’s, through its explainer video that it can become relevant in the eyes of the people who need the exact information to their fundamental questions.
Lastly these two videos confer some similarities which make them be used to boost each other this includes the ability to showcase a product in its best to the client. Even though the explainers fit well on the upper funnel of the business as they can create awareness easily while the branded video tells the action after people have been used to it.