product demonstration videos, product demo video company, product demo video production agency.

6 Best product demo videos and how they can help to promote sales?

Product demonstration videos (or product demos) are a type of video content that helps demonstrate your product’s features in a way most engaging for the target audience.

For example, a smartphone can be used for communication with friends and families, entertainment and creativity, or as an essential tool for work, business, etc.

All those are very different characteristics that appeal to different types of clients. But those people may be equally interested in your product demo video campaign. 

In this article, we shall talk about the 6 trendiest examples of product demo videos and ways a product demo video production agency can help you boost your sales this year.

A unique solution for a particular problem

A product demo video will help you show prospective buyers that you are not just selling another device, cosmetic product, service, etc. Still, you are offering them a solution designed precisely for the problem they may be facing right now.

Such product demo videos allow customers to put additional meaning to the item or service they see, and your product becomes the embodiment of their happier and more comfortable lives.

It is not just a bicycle but a way to save money on gas and get healthier. Not another makeup foundation, but a means to look young and fresh, etc.

A product demo video company will help you highlight such features of your product in present them precisely to the audience most interested in them.

Depot Man

Informative and enlightening videos

People feel more confident and satisfied with their purchases when they are sure they have made an informed decision based on solid data and evidence.

Product demonstration videos focused on educating the viewer serve this purpose perfectly. From these videos, viewers may learn some valuable information about your product, relevant statistics, experts` prognosis, etc.

Animated video content created by a professional product demo video company is a great way to engage viewers, deliver information in the most digestible manner and encourage them to make the purchase faster.

Cromance DeX

Sharing passion and motivation

People are fairly tired of faceless global brands that simply poor new products on the market daily. To engage viewers and turn them into your customers, you can use product demonstration videos demonstrating your passion and excitement about your product.

Include in your video details about the developers and designers who explain how the product was born and who it is meant for. Talk about the company’s history, principles, and the way to success. Make the viewer believe that you have created the product with them in mind!

A product demo video production agency that uses this concept will help you make your brand alive, relatable, and therefore desirable.

Chats About App

Feel-good videos

Another way to engage the viewers through emotions is to show in your product demonstration videos how your products or services make people feel and help them become happier.

Changing the color pattern or background music to a “happier” one as soon as the character uses the product will create an emotional contrast and help viewers associate the item or your brand with positive emotions.

Orbit Express

Letting the product speak for itself

Another efficient type of product demonstration video is those that make the product the main and only character.

Using minimalistic animation, black white background, and voice-over, you help viewers concentrate on the product itself and its outstanding features and recognize it easily in the shop or on the website.

Talk to your product demo video company, explain what makes your product stand out or which features you want to highlight, and enjoy the benefits of this minimalistic yet very efficient concept.


Storytelling videos

This type of product demonstration video, in a way, combines the best features of all the product demos we described above.

By demonstrating how your product remains relevant in different situations for the same character or how much it changes their life, you approach your viewer’s heart and soul and make the product look relatable, “alive” and a relevant solution.


Product demonstration videos are a great way to promote your sales and quickly turn your followers and viewers into customers.

Depending on the overall image of your brand and its values, a professional product demo video production agency like Explainer Video Makers will choose the best strategy or combine several concepts to create your unique product demo video campaign.

Explainer video makers have vast experience producing efficient video content for businesses and organizations from all niches. These professional artists and creators know the peculiarities and needs of a=every auditorium. They will help you present your product in a way most attractive to those who you most want to see as your customers.

Contact EVM today and discover endless opportunities and benefits of a unique and professionally-made product demo video campaign. 

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