5th December: World Soil Day

Each year on December 5th, World Soil Day (WSD) highlights the importance of healthy soil. It’s also a day to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.
One of the biggest concerns for the environment is soil degradation. Degradation is when soil health declines due to improper use or poor management. Most Americans are familiar with what happened during the Great Depression. Dust storms were a frequent occurrence. Soil erosion caused these massive dust storms. Through the years, farmers in this country learned their lesson. They began to practice better soil management. Unfortunately, however, there are still concerns about soil health. Throughout the world, the soil is eroding at a rapid rate. Every 5 seconds, the equivalent of one soccer field of soil erodes. If soil erosion continues, the earth will no longer be fertile. In turn, global food supplies and food safety will be threatened.
Each year the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) encourages youth and adults around the world to participate in a challenge to care for the soil.
2020 theme: 'Keep soil alive, Protect soil biodiversity'
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