10th August: World Lion Day

World Lion Day comes on August 10 of every year. World Lion Day aims to raise awareness of the majestic hunter, simply known as the king of the jungle. The Lions are one of the big cats in the Panthera genus and a member of the Felidae family. Lions in the wild exhibit very similar behaviour, especially when smaller females or younger animals join up with the more dominant lions in the pride. Lions are the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild Lions currently exist in India and Sub-Saharan Africa. August 10th is a day for people to come together from across the world to pay tribute to the mighty lion in as many ways as possible. Though a fun and exciting occasion for all, its foundations are based in a very serious matter: lion numbers have dramatically declined to the point where the species needs to be placed on the endangered list, just like its larger cousin the tiger.

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