7th August: Lighthouse Day

Lighthouse Day observe on August 7 it honors the beacon of light that for hundreds of years symbolized safety and security for ships and boats at sea.  At one time, the beacon of light could be found across almost all of America’s shorelines.

A lighthouse is described as a tower, building or any other type of structure that is designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses and used as an aid to navigation for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways.

If you ever visit a lighthouse, you’ll understand the serenity and stability they represent to viewers on land.  While lighthouse technology has evolved over time, lighthouses were once widely used to mark dangerous reefs, shorelines or harbors.  Today, we imagine how a lighthouse’s beacon of light offered hope to those seeking land in the midst of stormy seas and dark nights.

Tour lighthouses near you. Take a road trip. With lighthouses on every coast and the great lakes, one or more is surely worth the trip! Share your photos of lighthouses.

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