How can you “Go Viral” with an Explainer Video?
Currently, many businesses are coming up with explainer videos with the main aim of improving and enhancing proper advertising and marketing their products in order they record a success and make their business grow. However, this is usually achieved when the explainer videos goes viral since this is the easiest and most rewarding technique. In order that an explainer video goes viral, it has to be shared and for a video to be shared it has to prompt an emotional response to the viewer.
Conversely, this does not happen to every explainer videos. A video that has been designed with the crucial aspects for a viral video considered has absolutely all the reasons to go viral. These aspects are; the messenger, message and the environment. The following are some of the some of the factors to consider when creating the explainer videos to ensure that you maximize the chances of it going viral and reaping more rewards by expounding on above aspects.
To begin with is the storyline. This is like the backbone of all the videos. Even though the storyline may not be explaining about the product you intend to advertise, it has an objective of keeping the viewer on the video until the product or the logo appears. Therefore, it has to be short and precise as the attention span of a person is limited. The introductory audio and the video graphics are of great importance since they have to lure viewer throughout the storyline.
Secondly, we have the animation. It should be created with the latest technology to enhance message transfer. The type of animation you decide to use will depend on the several factors i.e. whether you want to create dramatic animation with characters or whiteboard ones or any other animation of interest and hence the ability and emotion triggering aspect hence the ability of it virality.
Furthermore, humor is another aspect to be considered when designing explainer videos. By bringing out an aspect of comicalness in the video, it makes it quite interesting and always prompts the viewer to share it to another person. By stimulating the involuntary and the unconscious response is usually the main goal of the explainer video. However, the main vision is to make the explainer marketing evergreen and prompt a quick response about the product.
Last but not least, for a high quality video that suits your business and has all the potentialities of going viral, contact us for one of your choice according to your businesses need.